Our Principal

Picture of our Principal

Dear Parents and Families of Encanto,

Welcome to the 2024-5 school year!  I am Mrs. Mandler, the proud principal of Encanto Elementary, home of the SOARING EAGLES. I am excited to be starting my 9th year as the leader of this marvelous school and my 23nd year at Encanto.  I began as a classroom teacher here in 2002 and became the resource teacher in 2010. In 2016 I was appointed as the school principal. It is an honor to serve our students, families, and community.


The start of the school year always brings excitement and the teachers and staff have dedicated their time to create learning environments that are welcoming for all children.  We are committed to ensuring that our school is bully-free and anti-racist. Our students and staff follow our SOAR motto of Self-control, Offering Kindness, Acting Responsibly and Respecting self and others.

In addition we are proud to be a Leader in Me™school. Through daily lessons students are taught principles of leadership that involve all students in building a school culture where students feel safe and empowered.


Encanto provides two learning pathways for students. Our English pathway is taught in English only. Our Two-Way Dual language pathway provides students with language arts taught in both English and Spanish. Both pathways use benchmark Education as the primary language arts curriculum. All grade-level teachers meet weekly to plan lessons so all students receive high quality instruction. All English language learners are provided additional English language development lessons, and all students have access to interventions during the school day. 


At Encanto we strive to provide a well-rounded education for all students. In addition to our core instruction we provide additional enrichment and support for students. Our TK-3rd grade students will also receive lessons in MultiMedia and Visual Arts bi-weekly while 4th and 5th grade receive Music instruction.. Our 3rd-5th grade students will participate in science, engineering, art and gardening activities at EarthLab through Groundwork San Diego. Over a five week period, our 4th and 5th grade students visit the Elementary Institute of Science (EIS). Students once a week rotate through four STEM labs, where they engage in hands-on learning in subjects such as earth & space science, physical science, life science, computer science, engineering, and more. Each session lasts five weeks, with the goal of immersing students in the equivalent of 20-25 hours of STEM learning. Our partnership with the Diamond Educational Excellence Partnership provides students in TK-3rd grade additional literacy opportunities including tutoring and parent workshops.


As parents, you are a key component in the partnership that ensures that all Encanto Elementary students receive a high-quality education in a safe, collaborative and inclusive environment. I encourage you to participate by volunteering for school committees, activities and special events such as School Site Council (SSC), Encanto Foundation, Back to School, Coffee with the Principal and Foundation fundraisers. Information is shared through School Messenger voicemail and text, email, School and Class Dojo, and our website. 

This year we are excited to become a Community School Grant recipient. With this grant we will have access to improve outcomes for students through the strengthening of the 4 Pillars of Community Schools: Integrated Student Supports; Family and Community Engagement; Collaborative Leadership ; and Extended Learning Time and Opportunities. We look forward to engaging with you through Community Chats, Community School Meetings, Surveys and other events.


Thank you for taking the time to read about Encanto Elementary. More than any of the details, I hope you take away that we are here to support you and your family. I look forward to working together to foster and strengthen our partnership over the coming school year. 

Principal Mandler

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